Clean up your network with IoT security solutions

by Michael Erpenbach
April 17, 2024
IoT security solutions

Every spring people open the windows, air out their homes, and sweep out the dust that settled over winter. Have you considered doing the same for your home or business IoT network? Don’t be left looking for IoT security solutions after you’ve had a security incident. Keep reading to see our IoT network spring cleaning checklist to help improve your IoT device security!

Spring cleaning checklist for IoT security solutions

Why IoT device security matters

You wouldn’t leave a door to your home or business unlocked, so why would you leave a door to your network unlocked?

The internet is ingrained in our everyday life, and so are the devices we use to access it from. Today, IoT devices can be found everywhere from home kitchens to hospital rooms, so knowing how to protect them from hackers is vital for security today and tomorrow.

Check your IoT network

Review your IoT network

Are you asking yourself what is IoT? The internet of things (IoT) consists of physical devices that are designed to connect to the internet and share information with other devices. While you may immediately think of a computer or a smartphone, an example of an IoT device would be a sensor, smart thermostat, or other internet-connected device that mainly shares data.

Even if this is the first time you’ve heard of IoT devices, they’re likely already in your home or business. In fact, it’s estimated that there will be more than 22 billion IoT devices in the world by 2025. That’s why it’s smart to review your IoT network as the first step of your spring-cleaning cybersecurity checklist.

Although an IoT device may simply transmit data, each one you have in your home or business is a door into your network. You need to know about each one if you’re going to make sure that they’re adequately protected.

You can review your IoT Network with the following steps:

  • Open your Quantum Fiber app or network maintenance app and check for all the devices connected to your network. This list will mostly show devices like computers and phones, but it’s a great place to start your list of connected devices.
  • Check for Bluetooth connected devices as well since many IoT devices connect through Bluetooth.
  • You can take your scan a step further by using a reliable network mapper such as Nmap that will show every device on your network.

If you find that you have an older IoT device that hasn’t been updated or is no longer supported, then now is a great time to update it or replace it with a newer model.

Check your IoT device security settings

Once you have a list of the IoT devices on your network you should categorize them based on their importance. This will help you know where to focus your attention in terms of security. For example, your internet-connected coffee maker is important, but an internet connected blood pressure monitor is much more important to secure and check for security updates.

Basic IoT device security settings to check:

  • Software and security updates. These updates can not only help your device run more efficiently, but can patch issues and respond to the latest threat.
  • Passwords and authentication. Some IoT devices will come with passwords and authentication options such as two-factor authentication. Make sure your passwords are complex instead of defaults and that two-factor authentication is turned on if available.
  • Data sharing settings and third-party apps. If your device can download third-party apps, then review app security as well as what data they share before adding them to your IoT device.
Create an IoT network

Create an IoT network

Network segmentation is one of the most effective IoT security solutions. Although thorough segmentation can require time and expertise, creating a separate network for your IoT devices is an easy step to take right now. After all, if every IoT device is a door into your network, then on a secondary network there’s another door behind the first door a hacker breaches.

For most WiFi apps, all you need to do is:

  • Open your WiFi management app.
  • Find where you can create a guest network or secondary network.
  • Create your network and then connect your IoT devices to it.

Switch to the Quantum Fiber app

Quantum Fiber doesn’t only provide ultra-fast, reliable fiber internet with speeds of up to 940 megabits per second (Mbps) and up to 1, up to 3, and up to 8 gigabits per second (Gbps) in select areas. Customers also get tools like the Quantum Fiber app so they can manage their network and devices in a flash.

The Quantum Fiber app makes it easy to maintain and share your home or business network’s fiber-optic speed with the following features:

  • Customizable network features like easy device management controls as well as live updates on service and outages.
  • Quick join QR codes that allow people to easily join your network.
  • Biometric login support that gives users a secure and convenient way to sign in.

Turn to Quantum Fiber for IoT security solutions

Ready to apply your spring-cleaning spirit to your IoT devices? Follow the steps listed here and then check for Quantum Fiber availability in your area for internet that moves at nearly the speed of light and easy to access control of your network.  

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Michael Erpenbach

Michael Erpenbach is a writer who dived into the world of tech after his first job installing electronics on houseboats. Since then, he has specialized in cybersecurity and finding solutions for his dad’s tech issues. When not writing about technology for Quantum Fiber he spends his time reading, falling down coffee-centric rabbit holes, and finding excuses to go outside.
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