Our fascination with science fiction — from Ray Bradbury’s fully automated Happylife Home in his short story, “The Veldt,” to cartoon classics like...
How to trade video games
If you’ve been gaming for a while, you probably have some random cartridges, consoles, or discs laying around or packed in storage. Don’t throw them...
Internet speed for streaming tv and movies: how much do you need?
In simple terms, the higher the numbers, the better the image resolution and the more internet speed required for streaming. The lowest quality...
Food, shelter, and fiber: Internet for college students moving off campus
For college students living on campus, internet speed is an afterthought. Universities invest in lightning-fast internet for students to keep up...
IoT solutions for your next big trip
Despite how fun and exciting taking a vacation can be, traveling can be hectic and demanding. In fact, 89% of people agree that traveling is...
Gaming scams to watch out for
When you’re having a blast gaming, the last thing you want to worry about is falling victim to scams. In 2021, the CEO of Arkose Labs, Kevin...
How college students can prepare for back to school
This fall, twenty million students will be returning to college in the United States. Whether you’ll be learning in the classroom or from home, the...
Get your family ready for back to school season
The start of a new school year can be a stressful and exciting time for both kids and parents. As students return to school this year, it’s more...
Tips for working from home this summer
As of 2023, nearly 13% of full-time employees work from home, while 28% use a hybrid model. The hybrid model combines both home and in-office...
WiFi modem vs. router: What’s the difference?
Are you setting up a new internet connection or upgrading your equipment to take advantage of those incredible gigabit internet speeds you’ve heard...
How to check if someone is stealing your bandwidth
Your WiFi connection is yours, and you shouldn’t have to worry about neighbors, strangers, or hackers tapping into it. To help keep others from...
5 reasons why you need small business WiFi for customers
The days of guest WiFi being a luxury are over. Now, customers expect businesses to provide guest WiFi that they can connect to while browsing,...