Quantum Fiber customers get free email service

by Michael Erpenbach
March 15, 2024
Enjoy one of the best email accounts

Do you know the online tool that over 4 billion people use every day to stay in touch with family and friends, reach their customers, access news, and so much more? It’s not social media. It’s email, and due to just how engrained email is in online life, everyone needs to know where to find the best email account services.

That’s why we’re highlighting the benefits of email with Q.com and why it’s a great free email account service. Learn more about why Quantum Fiber customers’ next freemail account should be @Q.com.

You read your email, your email doesn’t read you

Have you ever researched a product and received ads for similar products soon after? It’s a little frightening, but it happens every day online due to companies selling customer data. Now imagine your email service doing the same thing with the data gathered from your private messages.

Q.com is a great email account service because it does not sell customer data.

Every time you open a website today, you’re faced with a pop-up that asks you how much data you’re willing to share through your cookie and privacy preferences. Q.com is ad supported, but since it does not sell your data to third parties you don’t have to decide how much of your information you’re willing to sell.

find your name easily

Finding your name is easy with Q.com

Email isn’t just where we keep up with family and friends. It can be everything from the face of your small business to where you schedule an interview for your dream job. That’s why it’s important that your email address accurately reflects who you are, which can be extremely difficult if you share your name with many other people.

Q.com is a unique platform, so Quantum Fiber customers are more likely to claim their name @q.com without having to use special characters or numbers. That means your email address can represent you the way you want it to.

Upgraded protections to can spam mail

Spam emails aren’t just annoying. They can be a gateway to online scams that threaten your identity and wallet.

Email addresses at Q.com come with protections to help keep spam emails out of your inbox so fewer threats and ads reach you. In fact, over 150 billion spam emails are sent every day. That’s 45% of all emails sent globally.

Q.com’s protections help stop spam mail so your inbox is filled with less potentially dangerous junk mail.

20 gigabytes of cloud-based storage

Keeping spam mail out of your inbox means more space for the mail that matters, and thanks to Q.com’s free storage you can easily store and access your email.

You never know when you’ll need to pull up an old message, appointment, or image from your email. Your calendar, files, images, videos, and contacts are all able to be saved in 20 gigabytes (GB) of cloud-based storage.

That means easy access to your data and a secure place to store it comes free with Q.com.

Easily change your Quantum Fiber Email to Q.com’s free email service

Quantum Fiber makes it easy to replace the current email you use for your Quantum Fiber account with a new Q.com email for a smooth takeoff into the world of Q.com.

enjoy free email

Sign up for Q.com today

Ready to experience why Q.com is a great free email service?

  • Visit Quantum Fiber email support
  • Click sign up
  • Enter your information, including your current Quantum Fiber account email. Your current email will be used to verify your Quantum Fiber account.
  • Confirm your account and enjoy your new free email service!

Customers can sign up for free email service with Q.com today to see the benefits firsthand!

Content Disclaimer - All content is for informational purposes only, may require user’s additional research, and is provided “as is” without any warranty, condition of any kind (express or implied), or guarantee of outcome or results. Use of this content is at user’s own risk. All third-party company and product or service names referenced in this article are for identification purposes only and do not imply endorsement or affiliation with Quantum Fiber. If Quantum Fiber products and offerings are referenced in the content, they are accurate as of the date of issue. Quantum Fiber services are not available everywhere. Quantum Fiber service usually means 100% fiber-optic network to your location but, in limited circumstances, Quantum Fiber may need to deploy alternative technologies coupled with a non-fiber connection from a certain point (usually the curb) to your location in order to provide the advertised download speeds. ©2024 Q Fiber, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Quantum, Quantum Fiber and Quantum Fiber Internet are trademarks of Quantum Wireless LLC and used under license to Q Fiber, LLC.

Michael Erpenbach

Michael Erpenbach is a writer who dived into the world of tech after his first job installing electronics on houseboats. Since then, he has specialized in cybersecurity and finding solutions for his dad’s tech issues. When not writing about technology for Quantum Fiber he spends his time reading, falling down coffee-centric rabbit holes, and finding excuses to go outside.
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