The creepy crawlers of the internet: Understanding web trackers and cookies

by | Oct 11, 2024

Creepy Crawlers of the Internet
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As Halloween approaches, it’s not just the spooky decorations and haunted houses that send chills down your spine. The internet, too, has its share of creepy crawlers—web trackers and cookies that follow your every move online, gathering data about your habits, preferences, and even your location. Like invisible trick-or-treaters, they show up uninvited, leaving you with a nagging sense of being watched.

At Quantum Fiber, we know that your online privacy is important. In a world where tracking technologies are constantly evolving, we believe in helping you navigate the web safely and securely. Whether you’re a casual web surfer or someone who’s concerned about being tracked online, it’s important to understand the hidden dangers lurking in the corners of the internet.

Let’s dive into the world of web trackers and cookies, explore their benefits and drawbacks, and help you decide whether to embrace or block these digital creeps. After all, October isn’t just about Halloween; it’s also Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a time to take control of your online safety and help ensure your digital presence is protected.

What are web trackers and cookies?

Let’s start with the spooky side of things, let’s start with the basics. What exactly are web trackers and cookies, and why do they matter?


Cookies are small text files stored on your device when you visit a website. These files contain information about your browsing session, including login details, preferences, and even items you add to your shopping cart. Think of cookies as the breadcrumbs you leave behind while browsing the internet—they help websites remember you and improve your user experience.

Web trackers

Web trackers, on the other hand, are tools used by websites and third parties to monitor your online activity. Unlike cookies, which stay on your device, trackers follow you from website to website, collecting data about your browsing habits. This information is then used to serve targeted ads, analyze user behavior, and even sell data to third parties.

Much like spiders spinning webs in the shadows, trackers can be hard to spot, but their impact on your privacy is very real.

Teens in halloween costumes looking at their mobile device

The good, the bad, and the creepy: How tracking works

Web tracking isn’t all bad. In fact, many online services and websites rely on tracking to enhance user experiences and provide personalized content. However, there’s a fine line between helpful and harmful, and understanding the pros and cons of tracking can help you make informed decisions about your online privacy.


The benefits of web tracking


  1. Personalization: Cookies and trackers allow websites to remember your preferences, making your browsing experience smoother. For example, an e-commerce site might remember your login information or suggest items based on your previous searches.
  2. Targeted ads: Instead of being bombarded with irrelevant ads, tracking helps companies show you ads that align with your interests. If you’ve recently searched for hiking gear, for instance, you might start seeing ads for outdoor equipment.
  3. Seamless experiences: Web trackers help create a more fluid browsing experience by remembering your preferences across multiple websites. This is especially useful for online shopping, where cookies can save your cart or remember your shipping information.

The downsides of web tracking


  1. Invasion of privacy: The most obvious downside is the feeling of being watched. Trackers collect and store your data, often without your explicit consent. Over time, this information can build a detailed profile of your online behavior, raising privacy concerns.
  2. Data selling: Many companies sell the data they collect through tracking to third parties. This means your personal information, browsing habits, and even location could be shared without your knowledge.
  3. Security risks: The more data you leave online, the greater the risk of a data breach. If a website is hacked, your personal information stored in cookies could be compromised, leading to potential identity theft or fraud.

Should you allow web tracking? The debate

When it comes to web tracking, there are two schools of thought. Some people believe that the benefits of personalization and convenience outweigh the privacy risks, while others prefer to block all forms of tracking to protect their personal information. Here’s a look at both sides of the debate.

Why some choose to allow tracking

  1. Enhanced user experience: Allowing cookies and trackers can significantly improve your experience on websites, especially those that you visit regularly. Sites can load faster, and you won’t need to repeatedly enter login details or reconfigure settings.
  2. Relevant ads: Some users appreciate the relevance of targeted ads, as they’re more likely to see products or services they’re actually interested in. This can lead to a more enjoyable browsing experience and potentially better deals.
  3. Convenience: With web tracking, you can move seamlessly between devices. For example, you can add items to your cart on your phone and check out later on your computer without losing your progress.

Why others choose to block tracking

  1. Privacy concerns: For many, the idea of being constantly monitored is unsettling. Blocking trackers provides a sense of control over what personal information is shared.
  2. Avoiding unwanted ads: Not everyone enjoys targeted ads. Some users find them intrusive and prefer to avoid them by blocking tracking altogether.
  3. Reducing data risks: Blocking cookies and trackers can reduce the amount of personal data that’s stored online, lowering the risk of identity theft or data breaches.

At Quantum Fiber, we understand that privacy is personal. We believe in giving you the tools and knowledge to make informed choices about your online privacy. Whether you choose to allow or block web tracking, the decision is yours.

How to stay safe from unwanted tracking

If you decide that you’d rather not have creepy crawlers following you across the web, there are several steps you can take to protect your privacy.

1) Adjust your browser settings

Most browsers allow you to control how cookies and trackers are used. Here’s how you can tweak your settings:

  • Disable third-party cookies: This prevents websites you’re not actively visiting from tracking your activity.
  • Use incognito mode: While not a foolproof solution, incognito mode helps reduce the amount of data that’s stored during your browsing session.
  • Clear cookies regularly: Deleting cookies periodically can reduce the amount of information stored on your device.

2) Use privacy-focused tools

There are plenty of tools available to help protect your online privacy. Consider using:

  • Ad blockers: Tools like AdBlock or uBlock Origin block ads and trackers, making your browsing experience more private and clutter-free.
  • Anti-tracking extensions: Browser extensions like Ghostery or Privacy Badger specifically target and block trackers from collecting your data.
  • VPNs (Virtual Private Networks): VPNs encrypt your internet traffic, making it much harder for trackers to follow your online activity. This adds an extra layer of security, especially when using public WiFi.

3) Stick to HTTPS websites

When browsing online, always look for the padlock symbol in the address bar, which indicates that the site is using HTTPS encryption. HTTPS websites provide an extra layer of security, protecting your data from prying eyes.

4) Enable two-factor authentication (2FA)

Adding an extra layer of security to your accounts can reduce the risk of unauthorized access. Even if a hacker manages to steal your login information, 2FA requires an additional step (like a text message code) to access your account.

Witch on picnic blanket browsing the internet on their mobile phone

Don’t let creepy crawlers ruin your web experience

As we wrap up this journey through the world of web trackers and cookies, it’s clear that while these digital creepy crawlers can be unsettling, they’re not always harmful. Whether you choose to allow tracking or block it, the key is to be informed and take control of your online privacy.

At Quantum Fiber, we care about your online security and privacy. This Cybersecurity Awareness Month, take the opportunity to review your privacy settings, explore the tools available to protect your data, and decide how much information you want to share. After all, just like with Halloween trick-or-treaters, you should be the one deciding what you hand out—and who gets to take it.

By staying informed and making conscious decisions about your online privacy, you can enjoy the convenience of the internet without letting the creepy crawlers of the web ruin your experience.

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